All The Times

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All The Times
Screenshot of the level All The Times
"My mind is spinning. Would it be crazy to walk up and say something...?"
Level No.2-X
Pre-clearThe musician and barista are experiencing a heightened SVT episode. Keep steady with your two-beat treatment, no matter what.
Post-clearPatients' heartbeats are stabilised. The musician should be watched in case he runs back off to the cafe again.
PassBeat the level with less than 16 misses
Act 2
← 2-4 Song of the Sea 2-B1 Beans Hopper
"If we're stuck here everyday, at least we have each other."

All The Times (2-X) is a level in Rhythm Doctor.

It is the second boss of the game, and the first to use Window Dance.


The player treats Cole and Nicole through their chest pains, as they remain in their separate rooms. Cole and Nicole sing about each other, making lyrical references toward their addictions and their desire to see each other. In the middle of the level, an emotional realization seems to strike both of them. This prompts Cole to abruptly leave his room, running down the hall, as he sings about having found a "key to set [him] free." The level ends with Cole barging into the cafe, tired and out of breath, as Nicole looks at him, surprised. He breathes heavily, before lifting his head up and smiling. After the level, Cole asks for extra time to stay with Nicole as she closes up shop, to which Paige readily obliges. Cole then remarks that the doctors shouldn't worry about him, claiming that he's found a way to make music without the use of caffeine, hinting that Nicole is his newfound inspiration. Ian then runs in, out of breath, telling the player and Paige that the virus had once again appeared, but that the player had already taken care of both patients before he could arrive in time to inform them. Paige then instructs the player to move back to the Main Ward, saying that they'll check up on Cole and Nicole another day.


IanSpriteS.png H-hey! Where'd he go?!
Cole Spritesheet.png Phew. That was crazy.
Cole Spritesheet.png Thought my heart was gonna jump outta my chest.
NicoleSpriteS2.png Same, haha...
PaigeSpriteS.png You were able to treat them both at once. Perfect!
Cole Spritesheet.png Oh, the doc is here. Guess I probably gotta go back to my room, haha.
Cole Spritesheet.png But, er...maybe I could hang out here just a little longer? While Nicole closes up?
NicoleSpriteS2.png I could whip up something decaf for him. Promise.
PaigeSpriteS.png Fair enough. You're not in trouble or anything. (Why do I sound like a schoolteacher?)
Cole Spritesheet.png Y'know doc, I don't think you guys should worry about me.
Cole Spritesheet.png That thing you said, about finding inspiration to keep making music...
Cole Spritesheet.png ...I think I can do it. Without the caffeine.
PaigeSpriteS.png That's great news!
PaigeSpriteS.png Habits are tough to change, but having someone to cheer you on always helps.
IanSpriteS.png Hah...hah...I'm here...
IanSpriteS.png Finally, Cole. There you are.
Cole Spritesheet.png (Oh yeah, I kind of gave him the slip, huh.)
PaigeSpriteS.png You alright, Ian?
IanSpriteS.png Y-Yeah...I was running as fast as I could to tell you that virus Connectifia Abortus was detected again. This time, in Cole and the barista.
IanSpriteS.png I was rushing to find you, but uh...i-it looks like you already handled it.
IanSpriteS.png G-good job, I guess?
PaigeSpriteS.png Very punctual.
PaigeSpriteS.png Anyway, these two seem to be feeling much better.
PaigeSpriteS.png We'll check in on them tomorrow.
PaigeSpriteS.png Whenever you're ready, let's head back to the Main Ward.
JanitorSmol.png Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder around here...
JanitorSmol.png ...that hoodie dude and the coffee girl are singing at each other across the hall.
JanitorSmol.png And y'know what? I can dig it.
JanitorSmol.png I've always been a sucker for a cute duet. Keeps things lively around here.


[Verse 1]
I just can't refrain
Bitterness so quaint
One more shot, never again
All the excuses, always the same
All the times, I tried
I just cannot get over you
I just cannot hide
The satisfaction you can brew
One more sip embraced
My worries disappear for a while
Then it all comes... Comes kicking in
(Let's go!)
(Drop it!)

[Verse 2]
They tell me it's all right
They say that I'll get through
But however hard that I try
I just cannot get over you
When it all comes... Kicking in again

(Drop it!)

Now I'm shaken, stirred, awakened
It's taken this pain, to realize the truth
You have been through
All the things I've been through
You can be my muse
I'll write these songs for you
Now I'm shaken, stirred, awakened
It's taken this pain, to realize the truth
So take the craving, take away the craving
Please take away the cravings from me

[Verse 3]
I can't stay away from you
I... I'll make my way to you
No more tries and no more nights
Will keep me away from you
I've finally found, the key to set me free
At least I hope you'll be

