Show Rooms Horizontally

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Show Rooms Horizontally
Screenshot of the Event Icon Show Rooms Horizontally

Show Rooms Horizontally is an event in the Rooms Tab that shows rooms horizontally on the screen.


Setting Type Description
Show Rooms Buttons (Bool) Whether to show a given room or not (1-4).
Height Text Boxes (Numbers) Height of a given room (1-4) in percentage. If left blank, will auto-calculate.
Transition Duration Text Box (Number) Duration of the transition in beats.
Ease Dropdown (Enum) Easing.

The "Rooms" pop-up at the top right of the Event Window is equal to the Show Rooms buttons in the main part of the Event Window, and are thus redundant.


{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": 0, "type": "ShowRooms", "rooms": [0], "heights": [0, 0, 0, 0], "transitionTime": 1, "ease": "Linear" }

y (integer)
Must be 0.

rooms (integer[])
Rooms to show (0-3, unique entries).

heights (integer[])
Heights of the rooms in percentage. All heights are stored, even if some rooms aren't shown (length is always 4). "0" means "Automatic", not "zero height".

transitionTime (number)
Duration of the transition in beats.

ease (enum)



  • This is one of two events in the game to span more than one row, the other being Reorder Rooms, spanning all four rows in the room tab. The two also visually last 1 beat no matter the timeline zoom.