Lo-fi Hip-Hop Beats To Treat Patients To

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Lo-fi Hip-Hop Beats To Treat Patients To
Screenshot of the level Lo-fi Hip-Hop Beats To Treat Patients To
"My heart's pounding out of my chest. But, I can't stop now, I'm in the zone..."
Level No.2-1
Pre-clearPatient is a young musician suffering from supraventricular tachycardia. Administer the two-beat SVT rhythm treatment.
Post-clearPatient has recovered, but seems to be indulging in excessive coffee-drinking. Let's monitor his heartrate for future attacks.
S25/7 chill beats
A (6)24/7 study beats
B (12)10 hour study beats
C (18)2 hour study beats
D (24)1 hour study beats
Fcopyright struck
Act 2
← 1-CNY Chinese New Year 2-2 Supraventricular Tachycardia
2-1N wish i could care less
"Phew. Now I can get back to work."

Lo-fi Hip-Hop Beats To Treat Patients To (2-1) is a level in Rhythm Doctor. The Night Shift version is wish i could care less.

This level introduces Cole Brew and Oneshots.



JanitorSmol.png That hoodie guy keeps tryin' to get me to listen to his electronic music.
JanitorSmol.png I'm tryin' to clean the toilets and he's hittin' me up with all these "24/7 chill vibe" things.
JanitorSmol.png I don't even know what the heck that means.
JanitorSmol.png I don't get paid enough for this...

