
Revision as of 03:42, 30 January 2023 by (talk) (Janitor lines added by Concrete_block_sliding_sound.mp3 for rdrts round 4)

Invisible (4-2) is a level in Rhythm Doctor. The Night Shift version is Invisible (Night).

Screenshot of the level Invisible
"It's getting so foggy out there..."
Level No.4-2
Pre-clearHailey and that miner are both experiencing flare-ups. Visibility is low, treat them the best you can.
Post-clearBoth patients have been treated successfully. Be sure to monitor them for the rest of their trip.
Sthe fog cleared! look! a rainbow!
A (8)the fog cleared! look! a clear, sunny sky!
B (15)the fog cleared! look! a thunderstorm!
C (23)the fog cleared! the sky is still grey...
D (30)the fog got worse...?
Fthe fog has swallowed you whole
Act 4
← 4-1 Training Doctor's Train Ride Performance 4-3 Steinway
4-2N Invisible (Night)
"The skies are clearing! Figuratively and literally!"



  Hey, wanna hear a story?
  I'll take your silence as a "Yes, please."
  That Ada Paige lady is pretty cool.
  We don't talk much. I mostly just keep to myself.
  But one time...she was working with this family.
  The father was recovering from a heart attack.
  He was in pretty poor health, so everything seemed a lol' touch-and-go for a while.
  His wife and four kids kept visiting. The youngest son kept running around the halls, getting in our way.
  It was a huge pain-in-the-neck, for me. Having a big family in here, on top of everything else.
  Paige ignored the distractions. She worked hard, I could tell.
  She not only operated the best she could, but also went the extra mile in talking to the kids.
  The wife was so scared, she didn't know what to do without her husband to help.
  It felt like we were all playing babysitter for her kids during that time, but Paige especially.
  In the end, Piage was able to pull off whatever fancy operation she was doing in the guy's chest.
  It was a success, he ended up totally fine.
  And get this, when the family was celebrating, ready to leave and go home...
  I saw Paige enter the broom closet and grab a box. I had no idea what it was.
  It turned out she had brought the oldest child a birthday present.
  His birthday was the day after his dad had the heart attack.
  Paige said "Each Birthday you have only comes once...
  ...I'm sorry you had to spend it stuck in this place. I hope this present makes up for it."
  The mother and father were like "thank you thank you thank you."
  It was so sweet, but I just didn't get it. Why did she bother to do it?
  She's treated at least a hundred patients before. People come in and out of here all the time.
  Why would she waste the time finding a birthday present?
  Maybe it's just because she's young. She's still pretty new to this.
  Maybe she'll realise soon that there's no time for sentimental stuff like that.
  But either way...every time I pass her in the hall, I think about those kids.

