Change Players' Rows

Change Players' Rows is an event in the VFX Tab used to change a row's or rows' player.

Change Players' Rows
Screenshot of the Event Icon Change Players' Rows


Setting Type Description
Change Players' Rows when Playing Dropdown Whether to change the rows' players when doing 1P or 2P.
List of Rows Single Selection (Enum) A list of all the rows in the level in order. Each has a single selection for its player: No Change, P1, P2, or CPU, the latter also allowing you to change its CPU icon.

The available CPU icons are Ian, Paige, Edega, and Otto. There can also be just no icon.


This event takes 1 beat to commit the change. The hit detection change and hitsound change happen somewhere between that beat, at different intervals. Changing many times within a bar quickly can cause some hitsound confusion.

This delay can be removed with the disableRowChangeWarningFlashes = boolEnabled Custom Method.


{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "ChangePlayersRows", "playerMode": "OnePlayer", "players": ["NoChange", "P1", "P2", "CPU", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1", "P1"], "cpuMarkers": ["Ian", "Paige", "Edega", "BlankCPU", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto", "Otto"] }

playerMode (enum)
Either OnePlayer or TwoPlayers.

players (enum[])
For every row (16-length array), player to change to. Values: NoChange, P1, P2, CPU. Deprecated: BOTH.(?)

cpuMarkers (enum[])
For every row (16-length array), CPU marker to use if its respective players entry is CPU. Values: Ian, Paige, Otto, Edega, BlankCPU.

