The 90's Decision

Revision as of 15:45, 26 June 2023 by Kairi (talk | contribs) (→‎Transcript: Fixed typo)

The 90's Decision (MD-3) is a level in Rhythm Doctor. It is part of the Muse Dash X Rhythm Doctor crossover event with PeroPero Games.

The 90's Decision
Screenshot of the level The 90's Decision
"Oh no, I think Buro is trying to steal her donut back..."
Level No.MD-3
Pre-clearThe visitors have spotted Secretary Richard Hugh at the Roller Disco. Their heart rates have spiked erratically.
Post-clearThe visitors have returned, and are consuming high amounts of sugar before returning to their rooms.
SThis donut is...perfect!
A (10)This donut is...delicious!
B (24)This donut is...pretty good!
C (40)This donut is...not as good as I hoped.
D (60)This donut is...stale.
FEww! The donut's squashed on the floor!
Muse Dash Collab
← MD-2 tape/stop/night
"That was fun! A perfect way to round out our trip."



  Buro, you don't have to skate so slowly! There's plenty of space!
  Sorry...I've just never done something like this before.
  It's not so bad! Just get a running start and the skates will do the rest.
  But!! Trying new things is scary! It always makes my heart race!
  Welp, here we go again.
If half the beats are missed:
  Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere!
If half or more of the beats are hit:
  You're getting the hang of this!
  Should we pick up the pace and skate for real now?
  Yeah, let's rumble!
  Wait, can we pause and get something to eat first? I could use a snack.
  Snack bar was closed. Trust me, I checked.
  Sucks to be you! I stole my donut back from that old guy while he was talking on the phone!
  How did you even steal that donut back? The guy didn't eat it yet?
  I guess not! And he brought it with him here! Look, he's over there, standing in the corner.
  Wow...weird coincidence.
  Do you...want to share it?
  NO! Finders, keepers!
  I helped you chase that limo down...don't I get a bite?
  Fine, fine, we can split it.

[Buro skates off-camera]


[Marija skates off-camera]

  Come back here!
  ...She got the hang of this pretty quickly.

[Rin skates off-camera]

[Camera pans to Owl, Cockatiel, and Samurai]

[Level start]
  This donut is mine! I stole it from that suit guy, fair and square!
  Wait for me!!! I just want a little bite!

[Level midpoint]

  What's wrong? Too hungry to skate any faster?!
  Huh...? Who's that behind me?
Rank screen, if S-rank was achieved:
  Oh my's delicious...
  Ugh, no need to brag...can we at least have some?
  I don't think I can share this, it's too perfect...
  Buro! After all you put us through...
  Okay, fine, you can have a little bit. Here...
  It was could this happen?
Rank screen, if A-rank was achieved: it good?
  It's great!
  Can we have some?
  Let me think...
  ...okay, fine! But just a little!
  Thank you!
  Phew...after all that skating...I don't know if I have the appetite anymore...
  C'mon, have some!
  Okay, okay!
Rank screen, if B-rank was achieved:
  Well, how does it taste?
  It tastes pretty good!
  Can we have some?
  It looks delicious.
  So hungry..., you can have the rest!
  You're giving it to him?!
Rank screen, if C-rank was achieved:
  Well, how is it? Was it worth making us skate around trying to stop you?
  It's okay.
  Only "okay"?!
  Yeah, it's just okay. Maybe next time I'll get jelly-filled.
  We chased a car to try to get this donut!!!
Rank screen, if D-rank was achieved:
  To be honest...this doesn't taste very good.
  After all of that?!
  I was hoping for it to be-
  Hey!!! A bird just stole my donut!!!
  I thought you said it wasn't good, why do you care that the bird took it?
  It still belongs to me...
Rank screen, if F-rank was achieved:
  NOOO! I accidentally dropped it!
  You DROPPED it?!
  Wahh...I bet it was delicious, too...
  Let's just go back to the hospital...
  Glad to see you're back here safely.
  Yikes. You three are pretty reckless, y'know. (I'm pretty sure a lot of that was breaking the Disco's safety rules.)
  You should try thinking about your health and finally getting some sleep.
  Hey, it's our vacation! If we wanna go and-
  Rin, he's kind of right.
  ...fine, maybe.
  We suggest taking it easy and just staying inside.
  Maybe you movies or play a game? It's not really an adventurous vacation, but...
  ...but it's still somethin'!
  Stay the night here, we'll keep an eye on you.
  Plus, there's plenty of other patients here to keep you company.
  Thanks, doc!
  You know, you mentioned our outfits before...
  I thought it would just be fun to dress up. It was kind of a joke, really, but...
  ...meeting you all, maybe we lucked out and found Middlesea's greatest attraction after all!
  The town's famously friendly and dedicated hospital staff!
  Actually, I thought the food was cooler...
  Or maybe the Roller Disco...
  Alright then. New plan. An indoor, hospital-stay vacation. Time to stay up all night!
  What, no, you shouldn't-
  I heard you ventured out to the Roller Disco recently.
  I know what you're wondering...
  ...yes, I've seen that Samurai skate.
  And yes, he's really good.


Don't let the beat stop I wanna, let's go
One, two
Booyah, yah, ooh
The beat go
Let's do the, hey, break it down
Come on!
Uh-uh, hey, party on
Uh, kick it

Here it goes

I can't put the dreams right behind me
We could want the fastest beat in reality
Let's go
Three, two, one
Let's go

Baby, how you movin'
I'm dancin' to the beat
(Fastest beat in reality)
Baby, how you movin', so crazy
It's time to awake and shine
(Fastest beat in reality)

Anybody out there yo, yo DJ

Let's do the, hey, break it down
Come on!
Yo, yo, DJ

Four, five style, in the water

