RDWiki:Manual of Style/Level

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A Level refers to an individual stage in Rhythm Doctor.


Most levels should include an infobox. Use Template:Level2 where possible. Template:Level is deprecated and should not be used. If you see any page using it, you are encouraged to update that page to use Level2.

  • Most properties in the Level2 infobox can be omitted if it is not applicable to a specific level. For instance, Song of the Sea does not include the A to D ranks.
  • The act navigator(s) at the bottom of the infobox represent level unlock progression. For example, Super Battleworn Insomniac is after Know You in the navigator instead of being after Intimate (Night).
  • The Level2 infobox supports two separate act navigators. The second one can be used if a level unlocks more than one other level. For example, after completing One Shift More the player can progress to Training Doctor's Train Ride Performance or Blackest Luxury Car, so the second act navigator is used.
  • Right now, there are no levels in the game that unlock more than two branches of the level progression. If this changes in the future, I will edit the Level2 infobox to support.

Lead Section

The lead section is the part of the page that occurs before the table of contents. This should be no more than 3-4 sentences at most.

Usually, the lead section will be simply something like

Level Name (1-1) is a level in Rhythm Doctor. The Night Shift version is Level Name (Night).

Other information you can include here might be:

  • This level introduces a game mechanic (skipshots, classic beats, held beats, etc.)
  • This level introduces a character
  • This level is a crossover with another game


What is the plot of the level? Does the level advance the main plot of the game, or does it give us more insight into characters, or both?

This can also include events that occur after the level, such as Classy.

Not all levels have plot relevance. Don't feel the need to force something in here if it doesn't come naturally. For instance, Rollerdisco Rumble and Invisible do not have much, if any plot. It is fine to leave out this section entirely if there isn't anything interesting to say.


History of the level. Some levels have been around for a long time, e.g. Classy or Samurai Techno or Supraventricular Tachycardia, and this is a chance to document those kinds of things.

Again, if a level does not have much publicly verifiable information, do not feel like you have to have this section.


Who made the track for the level? Who produced it? Are there guest musicians? What key is it in, and what chord progressions does it use? Does it have any interesting BPM or time signature changes? What genre, or genres is it?


A transcript of the level dialogue. I will be preparing a template for this soon.


Any interesting facts about the level, as dot points.


Additional images of the level. If a level goes through distinctive visual phases, this is the place to put images of those in.