Uh. Who are you supposed to be? | |
Howdy! | |
Sorry, am I in your way? I thought this was, like, the fitness room. | |
I had a bit of a scare the other day, with some chest pain. | |
So, I've been trying to be a little more cautious about my health. | |
An old buddy of mine used to tell me, "You've only got one body! You better treat it right!" | |
I should've listened. And after getting a lil' spooked on that train ride, I figured I could at least give this hospital a visit. | |
How about you? What are you in for? | |
Oh, uh...something about a rotator cuff. Can't use my arm. | |
Now I'm stuck here. It sucks. | |
Hmm. How about we do a workout together? | |
That friend I mentioned showed me all kinds of stretches. | |
But before that, I wanna feel the difference in strength between your two shoulders. | |
Let's try something... | |
Hold your arm out and gimme a big thumbs up. | |
Good! Now flip it to a thumbs down if you're tired of me already. | |
I'm gonna gently cup my hands around yours. | |
You'll feel a slight push from me, but try slowly moving your arm up and down. | |
[placeholder for misses and whatnot] | |
I think that's enough! | |
Now, we'll do the real thing. | |
Relax and let your mind wander. You might hear people from outside. | |
That's perfectly fine. Just clear your mind, feel the rhythm, and do the reps at your own pace. | |
Let's begin. 20 reps, now. |
[After 5 reps]
Yo. Did you see who got admitted here the other day? | |
Lucky Jonronero. | |
...who's that? | |
Seriously? The...baseball player? On the Middlesea Scales? | |
Like, one of the biggest names on the team? | |
... | |
All-star pitcher? And, as of this season, number one for homeruns? | |
Not ringing a bell. I don't do baseball. | |
Okay. Well. He's a local celebrity. | |
That makes two of us! | |
...not really, no. |
[Phase 2]
"One of the biggest names on the team"... | |
...if that's so true, how come nobody's reached out? | |
No phone call from Coach, no visits from my teammates, no flowers or "get well soon" card... | |
All I got was a couple of pieces of fanmail. At least someone remembers me... | |
What's the point of all this again? | |
It's just a little test. And yup, looks like that shoulder got real weak. | |
If it's so weak, why don't I just work out? Pump it back into shape. | |
Ha! If you try to lift weights, your body'll topple like a stack of twigs. | |
You need some gentle tension... | |
Oh! Hold on a tick... | |
I've got some bungee cord in my bag! | |
This'll be perfect. Now, grab the cord. | |
Slowly pull it inward, without turning your body. | |
[placeholder for misses and whatnot] | |
That's the exercise! | |
Easy, right? Just feel the rhythm, and let your mind wander. | |
20 more reps, now. |
[After 5 reps]
Doctor...um, if it isn't a bother... | |
...would today be a good day for me to see my husband? | |
I still can't find him. | |
What? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, ma'am...! | |
(Ian!!! When we did the hand-off, you were supposed to move Mrs Stevenson to her husband's room!!!) | |
(S-Sorry!!! I was busy. Everything was kinda falling apart, remember?) | |
So sorry for the wait, follow me, we'll get you moved right away. | |
Oh, thank you kindly... | |
I'll make sure the nurse knows where you're staying now, and we'll move over all of your belongings. | |
Will there be enough room for all of us? Even my children? | |
Wait, your family is here too? | |
I think she means the birds. | |
Oh. | |
Uh...yeah, there'll be room! We'll get the whole Stevenson family together! |
[Phase 3]
I wasn't expecting everyone here to be so...chatty. | |
Why not? | |
I don't know. Every hospital visit I've ever had was all business. | |
Get in, get out. No small-talk, no life story. | |
Aren't we here to get patched up so we get back out to work? | |
... | |
Anyway. I know you're tryin' to help, but...I still don't really feel anything. | |
Exactly! It doesn't hurt, right? | |
Uh...no? | |
Then you're doin' swell! | |
Alright. I did your workout. Now what? | |
Now we rest up for a second...then we do it again! | |
Again?! | |
Yep. The point isn't for it to be difficult...it's for you to do over and over. Like a routine. | |
And then...I'll be back to peak performance? | |
I can't promise that. But if you keep at it...you'll get your movement back eventually. | |
Let's do another set. | |
This will be our cooldown, so let's do them slower. | |
Hold the stretch for three beats for each rep, instead of one. | |
[placeholder for misses and whatnot] | |
Great job! | |
Let's end strong! 20 reps, and then we're done. |
[After 5 reps]
Knock, knock! Good morning, Mr Stevenson! | |
We have a special guest for you today... | |
Wha...? | |
Your wife is here! She's going to be moved to this room. | |
Sweetie! Ohhh, look at you, your leg... | |
Stacy! There you are! | |
You had me worried sick, you know. | |
(The reunion! It's finally happening!) | |
(Oh my god, Ian, look...she's holding his hannd so gently. Now his lip is starting to quiver...) | |
(H-he's gonna cry...I can't handle it...) | |
Everyone, come in here! | |
Aw, now that's a precious sight. You lovebirds are back together! | |
Ohmygoshhh, you two are so cute! | |
Woah, the birds are flying in on their own! | |
I'm sorry for worrying you. Could you find it in your heart to forgive a clumsy old oaf like me? | |
In a heartbeat. | |
Awwww! | |
Someone go get the Intern! Where are they? | |
I think they're doing some other thing, with that baseball guy. | |
Really? They're missing out- oh my gosh, he's showing her the photo he kept by the bed! | |
*sniffle* | |
Ian's crying! Ian's actually crying for real! |
[End of session]
Phew! Good workout. | |
I think we'll stop for the day. | |
Are you sure? That was...short. | |
No need to push ourselves! One day at a time. | |
Great work today! |