The 90's Decision: Difference between revisions

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7,462 bytes added ,  26 June 2023
→‎Transcript: Added tutorial, in-level, after-clear, and janitor dialogue text for the level.
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(→‎Transcript: Added tutorial, in-level, after-clear, and janitor dialogue text for the level.)
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|Buro, you don't have to skate so slowly! There's plenty of space!
|Sorry...I've just never done something like this before.
|It's not so bad! Just get a running start and the skates will do the rest.
|But!! Trying new things is scary! It always makes my heart race!
|Welp, here we go again.
::<small>''If half the beats are missed'':</small>
|Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere!
::<small>''If half or more of the beats are hit'':</small>
|You're getting the hang of this!
|Should we pick up the pace and skate for real now?
|Yeah, let's rumble!
|Wait, can we pause and get something to eat first? I could use a snack.
|Snack bar was closed. Trust me, I checked.
|Sucks to be you! I stole my donut back from that old guy while he was talking on the phone!
|How did you even steal that donut back? The guy didn't eat it yet?
|I guess not! And he brought it with him here! Look, he's over there, standing in the corner.
|Wow...weird coincidence.
|Do you...want to share it?
|NO! Finders, keepers!
|I helped you chase that limo down...don't I get a bite?
|Fine, fine, we can split it.
<small>''[Buro skates off-camera]''</small>
<small>''[Marija skates off-camera]''</small>
|Come back here!
|...She got the hang of this pretty quickly.
<small>''[Rin skates off-camera]]''</small>
<small>''[Camera pans to Owl, Cockatiel, and Samurai]''</small>
<small>''[Level start]''</small>
|This donut is mine! I stole it from that suit guy, fair and square!
|Wait for me!!! I just want a little bite!
<small>''[Level midpoint]''</small>
|What's wrong? Too hungry to skate any faster?!
|Huh...? Who's that behind me?
::<small>''Rank screen, if S-rank was achieved'':</small>
|Oh my's delicious...
|Ugh, no need to brag...can we at least have some?
|I don't think I can share this, it's too perfect...
|Buro! After all you put us through...
|Okay, fine, you can have a little bit. Here...
|It was could this happen?
::<small>''Rank screen, if A-rank was achieved'':</small>
| it good?
|It's great!
|Can we have some?
|Let me think...
|...okay, fine! But just a little!
|Thank you!
|Phew...after all that skating...I don't know if I have the appetite anymore...
|C'mon, have some!
|Okay, okay!
::<small>''Rank screen, if B-rank was achieved'':</small>
|Well, how does it taste?
|It tastes pretty good!
|Can we have some?
|It looks delicious.
|So hungry...
|, you can have the rest!
|You're giving it to him?!
::<small>''Rank screen, if C-rank was achieved'':</small>
|Well, how is it? Was it worth making us skate around trying to stop you?
|It's okay.
|Only "okay"?!
|Yeah, it's just okay. Maybe next time I'll get jelly-filled.
|We chased a car to try to get this donut!!!
::<small>''Rank screen, if D-rank was achieved'':</small>
|To be honest...this doesn't taste very good.
|After all of that?!
|I was hoping for it to be-
|Hey!!! A bird just stole my donut!!!
|I thought you said it wasn't good, why do you care that the bird took it?
|It still belongs to me...
::<small>''Rank screen, if F-rank was achieved'':</small>
|NOOO! I accidentally dropped it!
|You DROPPED it?!
|Wahh...I bet it was delicious, too...
|Let's just go back to the hospital...
|-|After Clear=
|-|After Clear=
|Glad to see you're back here safely.
|Yikes. You three are pretty reckless, y'know. (I'm pretty sure a lot of that was breaking the Disco's safety rules.)
|You should try thinking about your health and finally getting some sleep.
|Hey, it's our vacation! If we wanna go and-
|Rin, he's kind of right.
|...fine, maybe.
|We suggest taking it easy and just staying inside.
|Maybe you movies or play a game? It's not really an adventurous vacation, but...
|...but it's still somethin'!
|Stay the night here, we'll keep an eye on you.
|Plus, there's plenty of other patients here to keep you company.
|Thanks, doc!
|You know, you mentioned our outfits before...
|I thought it would just be fun to dress up. It was kind of a joke, really, but...
|...meeting you all, maybe we lucked out and found Middlesea's greatest attraction after all!
|The town's famously friendly and dedicated hospital staff!
|Actually, I thought the food was cooler...
|Or maybe the Roller Disco...
|Alright then. New plan. An indoor, hospital-stay vacation. Time to stay up all night!
|What, no, you shouldn't-
|I heard you ventured out to the Roller Disco recently.
|I know what you're wondering...
|...yes, I've seen that Samurai skate.
|And yes, he's really good.


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