Lo-fi Hip-Hop Beats To Treat Patients To: Difference between revisions

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Painfully added the tutorial [Team nil]
(Painfully added the tutorial [Team nil])
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|Ready for something new?
|Now we're in the <span style="color:#ff0000">Supraventricular Tachycardia</span> ward.
|Patients here have <span style="color:#00ffff">two</span> beats instead of seven.
|The nurse will cue you in with the phrase "Ready, Get, Set, Go".
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">(She's picked up English now.)</span>
|Remember her rhythm!
|Here, Ian will demonstrate first.
|These beeps are just for demonstration purposes.
|Now, without the guide beeps.
|Now it's your turn!
<small>''If half the beats are missed''</small>:
|Let's try that again. Try repeating the "Get, Set" phrase in your head to the beat of the music.
|Let's try that again. I know you can do it!
<small>''If half the beats are hit''</small>:
|Great, you're getting the hang of it! Let's move on.
|For SVT beats, it doesn't matter when the beat pulses.
<small>''If all the beats are hit''</small>:
|Wow! It's like you know all of this already!
|Perfect! But...I'm still gonna read out the full explanation anyways!
|As you certainly already know, for SVT beats, it doesn't matter when the beat pulses.
|Don't be tricked! Just always follow the nurses "Get" and "Set" timing.
|Even if the beat pulses multiple times, or pulse on an offbeat, just stick to the "Get" and "Set" timing.
|These "funky" SVT beats will normally happen without a warning, but for this lesson we will deploy a spider to induce them.
|Oh, don't worry! This is a completely controlled enviroment and it's a medically trained professional spider.
|Before we do this... do spiders bother you?
|If you do <span style="color:#ff0000">not</span> want to see a spider on the screen, press the button <span style="color:#ff0000">twice.</span>
|Are you okay with seeing a spider?
<small>''If the player doesn't press twice''</small>:
|Ok! Let's meet the lil' spi.
<small>''If the player presses twice''</small>:
|Ok, we will not meet the spider. Let's see...
<small>''If the player presses multiple times''</small>:
|Wow, you really really do not want to meet the spider. Fair enough!
<small>''If half the beats are missed and the player did not press twice''</small>:
|Whoops, the Farmer broke. Sorry, Hugh. Please don't hate us.
<small>''If half the beats are hit''</small>:
|You've got it down.
<small>''If all the beats are hit''</small>:
|Woah, that was perfect.
|Do you play a lot of rhythm games?
|Your first SVT patient will need to be treated just like that.
|Keep that beat in your head, and good luck.


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