Worn Out Tapes

Revision as of 16:28, 7 May 2021 by 1ug1a (talk | contribs)
Worn Out Tapes
"UNBEATABLE - Check it out on Kickstarter"
Level No. X-WOT
BPM 149
Patient(s) Quaver




Pre-clear [This patient says she's "totally fine," and her symptoms don't look too alarming, but something still seems... off? Keep an eye on her, would you?]
Post-clear [Well, that was... something. I'm actually a bit MORE worried about her condition now than I was before. Wait, there's a note here: "Go to unbeatablegame.com!" Who wrote this?]
S Truly Unbeatable
A (15) Keepin' the beat
B (30) Never Quavering
C (45) Left on a Clef-hanger
D (70) In big Treble
F Heartbreak
"UNBEATABLE - Check it out on Kickstarter"

Worn Out Tapes (X-WOT) is a level in Rhythm Doctor. It was included as part of the UNBEATABLE X Rhythm Doctor crossover event with D-Cell Games.