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2,625 bytes added ,  30 January 2023
Janitor lines added by Concrete_block_sliding_sound.mp3 for rdrts round 4
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(Janitor lines added by Concrete_block_sliding_sound.mp3 for rdrts round 4)
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|Hey, wanna hear a story?
|I'll take your silence as a "Yes, please."
|That Ada Paige lady is pretty cool.
|We don't talk much. I mostly just keep to myself.
|But one time...she was working with this family.
|The father was recovering from a heart attack.
|He was in pretty poor health, so everything seemed a lol' touch-and-go for a while.
|His wife and four kids kept visiting. The youngest son kept running around the halls, getting in our way.
|It was a huge pain-in-the-neck, for me. Having a big family in here, on top of everything else.
|Paige ignored the distractions. She worked hard, I could tell.
|She not only operated the best she could, but also went the extra mile in talking to the kids.
|The wife was so scared, she didn't know what to do without her husband to help.
|It felt like we were all playing babysitter for her kids during that time, but Paige especially.
|In the end, Piage was able to pull off whatever fancy operation she was doing in the guy's chest.
|It was a success, he ended up totally fine.
|And get this, when the family was celebrating, ready to leave and go home...
|I saw Paige enter the broom closet and grab a box. I had no idea what it was.
|It turned out she had brought the oldest child a birthday present.
|His birthday was the day after his dad had the heart attack.
|Paige said "Each Birthday you have only comes once...
|...I'm sorry you had to spend it stuck in this place. I hope this present makes up for it."
|The mother and father were like "thank you thank you thank you."
|It was so sweet, but I just didn't get it. Why did she bother to do it?
|She's treated at least a hundred patients before. People come in and out of here all the time.
|Why would she waste the time finding a birthday present?
|Maybe it's just because she's young. She's still pretty new to this.
|Maybe she'll realise soon that there's no time for sentimental stuff like that.
|But either way...every time I pass her in the hall, I think about those kids.
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