Intimate (Night)

Revision as of 16:31, 16 June 2023 by Kairi (talk | contribs) (→‎Synopsis: Added synopsis)

Intimate (Night) (1-2) is a level in Rhythm Doctor. It is the Night Shift version of Intimate.

Intimate (Night)
Screenshot of the level Intimate (Night)
"Are we really just friends? Why won't he say something?"
Level No.1-2N
Pre-clearBoth adolescent patients are experiencing an anxious tightness in their chest. Treating them together may prove extra effective.
Post-clearBoth patients report feeling relief. Fortunately, they have each other to talk it out if pain returns. [They're a couple, right?]
Syou've got great charisma
A (6)you've got charm
B (12)the mood is awkward
C (18)the mood is pretty bad
D (24)the mood is tense...
Act 1 Night
← 1-1N Samurai Dubstep 2-1N wish i could care less
1-2 Intimate
"Everything will be okay. I think he's just shy."


The player treats Hailey as she expresses confusion and sadness over Logan's reluctance to confess his romantic feelings to her. Halfway through the level, Logan insists on being treated in the same room as Hailey, attempting to build up the courage to confess his feelings to her. Unlike the day level, where the player had Paige's cooperation to treat the two patients, Ian does not cooperate with the player to treat both patients at once. Since his game "finally found a match," he leaves the player to treat both patients at once by themself. After the level, Hailey tries to get Logan to confess his feelings, but he is once again too nervous to properly do so, and leaves abruptly, leaving Hailey confused and sadder. The after-clear text for Hailey has her saying "Everything will be okay. I think he's just shy," signifying that Hailey is feeling better despite the lack of resolution.


[Level start]:
  You've gotta help me!
  Everything with Logan has been so back-and-forth.
  Does he really think that we're just friends?


  A-another patient is insisting on being treated in here as well.
  Ah, my game finally found a match.
  Gotta run. I have faith in you!
  Hailey! I want to tell you something!
  (No more chickening out...just say it!)
  Feeling any better, Logan?
  I think so, yeah.
  So, what was it you wanted to tell me?
  You keep saying that there's something super important on your mind
  and then your chest starts hurting. So, what is it?
  Oh! Umm, yeah, totally...
  It's just that, y'know...we've been hanging out a lot, and...
  I always feel like we've been super close, and...
  Umm...uh, I'll catch you later! We'll talk about it another time!
  Oh, okay. Bye, then?
  Are those teens officially dating, or what?
  I always see 'em walking around, holdin' hands, being all mushy.
  Next thing I know, they're crying and everything's all awkward between them.
  Teenagers are so DRAMATIC.
  Love ain't so complicated! Just ask each other out to a movie and get it over with!

