Dreams Don't Stop: Difference between revisions

6,290 bytes added ,  11 November 2023
added post-clear dialogue and janitor dialogue
(added post-clear dialogue and janitor dialogue)
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|-|After Clear=
|-|After Clear=
|How are you feeling today, Mr Jonronero?
|Not too bad, actually. Just taking it one day at a time.
|The shoulder doesn't hurt so much anymore.
|Excellent! Glad to hear it. Oh, and hey...congrats on your team's win!
|The hospital team, I mean. I can't believe you were able to whip them all into shape so fast.
|Ha. Well, I was surprised to see they had it in them.
|Ah, there you are, Mr Jonronero.
|Good news. Ian has completed a beta build of the new defibrillator.
|If we perform the procedure today, you can be back in the pro league by tomorrow morning. No recovery period.
|Wow. Wait, really? Tomorrow?
|Of course. In time for the playoffs. Ready?
|Actually...I think I'll pass.
|Excuse me?
|I couldn't tell at first, but it looks like I've been making good progress on my own.
|Even if it's taking forever.
|When I got here, I was dying to get out, but...maybe this place ain't so bad.
|The people are...nice. And persistent.
|I thought they were screwing around when they said they wanted to play ball. But they really went through with it.
|And every point they scored...it felt just as good as scoring my own.
|Maybe even better.
|I've spent my whole career trying to make miracles happen on pure grit and determination.
|But after seeing how pumped they were winning just <span style="color:#00ffff">one little game</span>...maybe all that energy I built up is better spent somewhere else.
|If your "beta build" thingy goes wrong...I might lose this part of me that's still left.
|I can't do that. I've only got one body, y'know?
|Interesting. The choice is your own, but, if I may...
|From what I can tell, the status of your next contract with the Middlesea Scales seems to be hanging by a thread.
|You're keeping your fans waiting. And your team. I can't imagine that reflects well on you.
|Well, maybe I've found a better team.
|Thanks for the offer anyway, doc. Good luck with your beta testing.
|Enjoy the rest of your stay. I'm sure Dr Paige must know what's best for you.
|Hey, uh, Ada...we should talk.
|What's up?
|About that virus, <span style="color:#ff0000">Connectifia Abortus</span>...
|The intern's work at the baseball game, handling the big flare-up...it gave me a lot of great info.
|I think I've figured it out. It's the rhythm defibrillation system itself that keeps causing the glitches.
|Yeah. Yikes, right? But there's good news! I think we can fix it.
|I just need <span style="color:#00ffff">more time.</span>
|Edega keeps dragging me away to work on his new "miracle cure" thing.
|If you and the intern can keep him busy, and take care of all the patients...I can figure out how to get rid of the virus!
|That's good!
|Y-yeah! Although, maybe a little bit easier said than done.
|Definitely...but the intern's been <span style="color:#00ffff">unstoppable</span> so far!
|Together, we'll keep things running as smooth as-
|Oh hey, doc.
|Since I'm gonna be stuck here anyway, and I'm still feeling the post-victory glow...
|...I wanna get something off my chest.
|You two aren't so bad. Maybe.
|I mean, you do spew a bunch of techno-jargon at me. And keep me cooped up in bed all the time.
|And, uh, make me eat yogurt and weird vegetable mush.
|But...at the end of the day...I know you're just trying to help.
|Sorry if I gave you a rough time. Or something.
|Not at all! We're just here to do right by you, no matter what. Even on the days when being here isn't so fun.
|Well, from now on, I'll try not make your life a livin' hell, haha. I promise.
|And as for you, intern. Once I finish my recovery...
|...I'm challengin' you to an arm wrestle!
|So you better not transfer to any other clinics, y'hear?
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">(The intern is gonna break this man like a twig...)</span>
|Making friends over here, Coach? I knew you had it in ya!
|Loving that hustle, Coach! The charm! The can-do attitude!
|Awwwww, Coach! If you just wanted to make friends, you shoulda just asked! We'll be your friends!
|S-shut up!
|Alright, everyone! Party's over! Back to your rooms!
|Yeah! Rest up real good, because you're all joggin' laps around the block tomorrow!
|D-does he mean us too?
|I think so! C'mon intern, let's hustle!
|There's still a lot of work to do.
|You ready?
|Did you hear about the hospital baseball team?
|They went up against a university and actually won!
|Now, I'll be honest with ya, I was tempted to join the team myself.
|I've got a real mean arm. I could see myself pitching.
|But...well, I chickened out. I didn't wanna embarrass myself in front of Lucky.
|I figured maybe my energy would be better spent somewhere else.
|That's why I went to the game and screamed loud and proud from the bleachers!
