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| <code>MistakeOrHeal(float'''DamageOrHeal''')</code> || Positive values will do the 'note missed' vignette flash and sound effect, and add specified number of misses to the hit stats, decreasing the rank accordingly.<br>Negative values will do the 'note hit' vignette flash and remove number of misses from the hit stats, improving the rank accordingly. Early & late stats will be unaffected.<br>Has no effect on heart visuals.
| <code>MistakeOrHeal(float'''DamageOrHeal''')</code> || Positive values will do the 'note missed' vignette flash and sound effect, and add specified number of misses to the hit stats, decreasing the rank accordingly.<br>Negative values will do the 'note hit' vignette flash and remove number of misses from the hit stats, improving the rank accordingly. Early & late stats will be unaffected.<br>Has no effect on heart visuals.
|- <!-- from [[Play Song]] vvv -->
| <code>CurrentSongVol(float'''TargetVolume''', float'''FadeTimeSeconds''')</code> || Sets the volume of the most recently played song to '''TargetVolume''' over the time given in '''FadeTimeSeconds'''.
| <code>PreviousSongVol(float'''TargetVolume''', float'''FadeTimeSeconds''')</code> || Sets the volume of the second most recently played song to '''TargetVolume''' over the time given in '''FadeTimeSeconds'''.
| <code>SongVol(string'''filename.ogg*external''', float'''TargetVolume''', float'''FadeTimeSeconds''')</code> || Sets the volume of a specific filename to '''TargetVolume''' over the time given in '''FadeTimeSeconds'''. Can target sound effects from [[Play Sound]].
| <code>StopSong(int'''FadeTimeInSeconds''')</code> || Like '''CurrentSongVol''', with no volume control.
| <code>OneSongAtATime(bool'''Enabled''')</code> || Stops the previous song as soon as a new '''Play Song''' event is triggered.
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