Seventh-Inning Stretch: Difference between revisions

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Adding dialouge
(Adding dialouge)
(Adding dialouge)
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|That's perfectly fine. Just clear your mind, feel the rhythm, and do the reps at your own pace.
|Let's begin. 20 reps, now.
<small>''[After 5 reps]''</small>
|Yo. Did you see who got admitted here the other day?
|Lucky Jonronero.
|...who's that?
|Seriously? player? On the Middlesea Scales?
|Like, one of the biggest names on the team?
|All-star pitcher? And, as of this season, number one for homeruns?
|Not ringing a bell. I don't do baseball.
|Okay. Well. He's a local celebrity.
|That makes two of us!
|...not really, no.
<small>''[Phase 2]''</small>



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