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5,830 bytes added ,  15 June 2023
→‎Transcript: Added tutorial dialogue, after-clear dialogue, and janitor dialogue.
m (Added minor text stating what character the level introduces)
(→‎Transcript: Added tutorial dialogue, after-clear dialogue, and janitor dialogue.)
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|So, we've got a senior citizen requiring care...
|...but now, apparently, there's a politician in here who demands to be treated first.
|Hey Ian, this is like straight out of our textbooks.
|What framework do we use to decide who to treat first?
|Under a fair and egalitarian RHS, what do we do?
|Ian! We studied this barely a year ago! A whole Medical Ethics course, remember?
|...we did??
|Ohhh yeah, yeah, that ethics course.
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">(I didn't know that applied to real life...)</span>
|Okay okay, I remember now.
|QALY! Right? "Quality Adjusted Life Years."
|Yup, exactly. And how does it work?
|It's, like...a formula to calculate the value of people's lives.
|And the one who has the higher number wins, right?
|, between these two patients...
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">Uh...does QALY include political power as a factor?</span>
|No, Ian, it does not.
|Well, if we don't treat him, he'll slash our funding next year.
|Case closed! The politician wins! Sorry, gramps...
<small>''[Tutorial with Farmer begins, before Richard interrupts]''</small>
|What's taking so long?!
|A tutorial?
|No tutorial, you treat me! Now!
|Shoo, farmer boy!
<small>''[Farmer exits]''</small>
|No, Hugh, come back! You're great at tutorials!
::<small>''If first beat is missed''</small>:
|That was fast...
|Pay attention!
::<small>''If first beat is hit''</small>:
|"Hugh" dare he share my name.
|Great job, intern!
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">Look! He's got two Xs on his ECG!</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">Huh! Why's his heart skipping so much?</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">Is he feeling overwhelmed lately?</span>
|What was that?! Me, overwhelmed?!
|How dare you!
|Ugh, you wasted too much of my time.
|I've got an important speech to give...
|...that I'm 100% <span style="color:#ff0000">not</span> nervous about...
|...and I need the best possible medical care!
|If you fancy med grads want to still have your job tomorrow, you better come treat me at my rally.
|-|After Clear=
|-|After Clear=
|That seemed to work well enough. Good job.
|Oh no, he's back. Here we go.
|What is the meaning of this?!
|I step away for <span style="color:#ff0000">ONE SECOND</span>, and you think you can get away with using some shabby long-distance treatment on me?
|Ridiculous. Disrespectful. I came here for the highest-quality doctors. Personalized care! Whatever happened to that?
|<span style="color:#ff0000">You!</span> The disheveled-looking dropout behind the screen thingy. I demand to know who you are.
|I'm reporting you to your superiors! What's your name?
|AGHH! This is what I'm talking about! You think you can ignore me when I'm talking to you?
|No manners, around here! Do you know who I am?! I'm Richard Hugh!
|I'm the nation's bloody <span style="color:#ff0000">Health Secretary!</span>
|Trying to pass off my delicate operation to some intern in their basement. How dare you?
|Just wait until I tell the cable networks.
|If I'm not mistaken, wasn't your party completely okay with this whole ''Rhythm Doctor'' initiative?
|Hmph! Details, details! When I signed off on that, I didn't think that <span style="color:#ff0000">I</span> would get stuck with one of these bargain-bin interns!
|I can't stay here. This place is musty and smells like shellfish.
|I can't wait to have a phone call with your supervisor. Good day!
|...Well, that was something.
|Anyway, back to our jobs. There's an elderly gentleman who needs me. Mr. Stevenson.
|He keeps dozing off, so I haven't been able to speak with him yet.
|He's experiencing some heartblock, I'll take care of it and get his x-rays done.
|There's a new patient here too, I haven't met them.
|Can you handle it for me? Let's split up. Thanks!
|I just saw a dude in a suit bust in here and skip the whole line.
|Was that the Health Secretary?
|That guy's always yelling about medical workers on TV. Makin' us sound entitled.
|So I stopped paying for cable. I don't need to watch the news.
|If I wanted to get yelled at all day, I'd just come into work.


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