Show Dialogue

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Show Dialogue
Screenshot of the Event Icon Show Dialogue

Show Dialogue is an event in the VFX Tab that displays a textbox for dialogue, featuring the text, character name and portrait.


Setting Type Description
Dialogue Text box (Text) Dialogue to display.
Panel position Button Whether to display the textbox in the upper or lower border of the screen.
Portrait position Button Whether to display the character's portrait on the left or right of the textbox. Default is "left", and setting "right" will flip the animations and nametag, but not the origin of the dialogue itself.
Text sounds Button Whether to have text/speech sounds for the characters or not.

Within the Dialogue box, there is a button for characters and expressions. Clicking on it will open a pop-up with characters to choose from, and clicking on one will let you choose its expressions. After doing so, it'll insert it's "internal expression name" into the dialogue box. You can also omit this if you know the internal names already (e.g. Samurai_Happy: , Boy_surprised: ).

Custom characters can be used as well, they need only be added as a row to be chosen from in the character selection pop-up.


There are special tags one can use to stylise the dialogue. Unlike Floating Text, Show Dialogue has many more stylising options for its text.

Show Dialogue Styling
Tag Type Tag Description
Modifier tag <color=#HHEEXX> Changes the color of text.
Modifier tag <color=#HEXALPHA> Changes the color of text and opacity.
Modifier tag <speed=X> Multiplier for the speed of text.
Modifier tag <volume=X> Sets the sound volume for the containing text. Default is 1.
Modifier tag <pitch=X> Sets the sound tone pitch for the containing text. Default is 1.
Modifier tag <pitchRange=X> Sets the sound tone variation change. Default is 3.
Modifier tag <shake> Shakes the text inside the tag.
Modifier tag <shakeRadius=X> Radius of the shake.
Modifier tag <wave> Makes the text wavy.
Modifier tag <waveHeight=X> Height of the wave.
Modifier tag <waveSpeed=X> Speed of the wave.
Modifier tag <swirl> Swirls the text around its center.
Modifier tag <swirlRadius=X> Radius of the swirl.
Modifier tag <swirlSpeed=X> Speed of the swirl.
Modifier tag <sticky> If placed at the end of a Show Dialogue event, the textbox will not disappear until a new Show Dialogue event is run and disables the next event's "pop-in" effect.
Action tag [X] Waits X seconds (e.g. [1] waits 1 second).
Action tag [static] Prevents any of the preceeding movement tags from affecting subsequent text.
Action tag [flash] Flashes the screen.

Tags that use <> symbols must be opened and can also be closed, and only affect the text inside them (e.g. This is white, <color=#FF0000FF>this is red!</color> This is white.). They can also be left unclosed, meaning it'll affect all of the text after it.

Tags that use [] symbols are only opened and affect all of the subsequent text unless their values are overwritten.

There are some shorthands for longer or more specific tags:

Show Dialogue Tag Shorthands
Tag Shorthand Equivalent Tag(s) Description
<loud> <soundVolume=1.2><pitch=1.04> Raises the volume and pitch slightly.
<color=#03EBF5><loud> Changes the color to a light blue and makes the text louder.
<whisper> <color=#ffffff70"><volume=0.45><pitch=0.95> Lowers the pitch slightly, lowers the volume, and makes the text more transparent.
[vslow] <speed=0.25> Very slow text.
[slow] <speed=0.5> Slow text.
[normal] <speed=1> Normal velocity text.
[fast] <speed=2> Fast text.
[vfast] <speed=3> Very fast text.
[vvvfast] <speed=10> "Very very very" fast text.
[excited] <speed=100> Extremely fast text.
[shout] <speed=5>[flash] Very fast text and flashes the screen.


{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "ShowDialogue", "text": "Samurai_Happy: Some days are good.\nPaige: Indeed.", "speed": 1, "panelSide": "Bottom", "portraitSide": "Left", "playTextSounds": true }

text (string)
Dialogue to show.

speed (number)
Initial speed of the text. Overwritten by <speed=X> tags.

panelSide (enum)
Either Bottom or Top.

portraitSide (enum)
Either Left or Right.

playTextSounds (bool)
Whether to play dialogue speech/text sounds or not.

