
Revision as of 10:47, 9 November 2023 by Angelictactics (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A picture drawn in Clip Studio Paint of a person with short fluffy hair and glasses. They are pressing the button from Rhythm Doctor. Behind them is a fiery aura of the lesbian flag. the caption reads, "channeling 1000% of my lesbianism to full combo One Shift More first try" <p>realized i should make a user page at some point. I'm '''angelictactics''', but i prefer to be called Jenn or Freya! my pronouns are she/they/he and i h...")
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A picture drawn in Clip Studio Paint of a person with short fluffy hair and glasses. They are pressing the button from Rhythm Doctor. Behind them is a fiery aura of the lesbian flag. the caption reads, "channeling 1000% of my lesbianism to full combo One Shift More first try"

realized i should make a user page at some point. I'm angelictactics, but i prefer to be called Jenn or Freya! my pronouns are she/they/he and i have a lovely girlfriend who is a beautiful robot 💕

i started playing rhythm doctor in june 2023, and i've been absolutely delighted by it! my favorite character is ada paige, and my favorite level to play is tied between bomb-sniffing pomeranian and one swing, too late. i'm trying to get into the habit of playing daily blends on the discord, and want to start making my own custom levels eventually.

i do digital art for a living, but i also like to write fanfiction for fun. you can find me on discord under the same username.