Training Doctor's Train Ride Performance: Difference between revisions

→‎Transcript: Added cutscene, tutorial, in-level, and after-clear dialogue for the level.
(Janitor lines added by Concrete_block_sliding_sound.mp3 for rdrts round 4)
(→‎Transcript: Added cutscene, tutorial, in-level, and after-clear dialogue for the level.)
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|Eight years of med school for dinner from a vending machine.
|Not as glamorous as I told my friends it would be.
|(Oh, there she is!)
|Third day in a row of putting off the groceries. There's just never any time. Too tired.
|Just need to go home, eat this protein bar and these chips, collapse, and get up in time for my next shift.
|Um, excuse me, Dr Paige?
|Oh, hi there. Hailey, right?
|Yup! I wanted to, um, ask you something!
|What's that?
|I know that I'm supposed to be staying in my room and recovering and all that, but...
|...would it be okay if I went on a trip? And then came right back?
|My grandma, she asked me a favor. Her hometown is out west, near the desert, but she can't leave to go visit.
|We have some distant family out there, and she wants me to deliver keepsakes to them. And she asked me to take pictures, too!
|She hasn't seen the desert landscape and her hometown in so long. It's where she grew up.
|I know I'm not supposed to leave, but...please please pleeease, I'll come right back.
|Hm. I'm not sure.
|(Edega will completely explode on me if he hears about this.)
|I'm actually clocked out for today, I need to head home.
|But...this sounds important to you. I'll take you to Ian, let's figure something out.
|Thank you, thank you!
<small>''[Fade to black]''</small>
<small>''[Cut to Ian's room]''</small>
|Pfft. Leaving hospital care to take some pictures and deliver a box?
|Isn't there probably some driver app that'll do that for you?
|Plus, you can probably just print out some royalty-free desert photos or something.
|Ian, please. It's important to her.
|F-fine. Hmm...actually, maybe this could work.
|I've been working on the Rhythm Doctor program, and it should be able to work at even further ranges than we've been using. Further out from the hospital's computers.
|T-this could be an opportunity for the intern to help me test it out.
|If the connection holds a few towns over, then we'll be able to tell Dr Edega that we can treat even more patients.
|People won't even need to leave their homes to get treatment. Elderly patients, immobile patients. It could be helpful.
|Then someday the waiting room will be nice and empty.
|So, we'll let her go out for a day?
|Y-yeah, let's do it.
|Go clock out, Ada. Thanks for all the help.
|...and for you, you're going to follow Hailey on her train trip out west.
|Keep an eye on her, and administer any treatments she needs.
|T-this will be a great way to test the connection and push its capabilities. Good luck!
|Hello from the hospital! Can you hear me okay?
|It looks like you're looking to help a miner on the train, huh?
|I'm looking at the cardiogram results coming in, and this looks like it'll require a new method of treatment.
|Under Edega and Paige's care in the hospital, a condition like this would require pretty serious procedures.
|Luckily for him, I was recently experimenting with a new way to use the rhythm defibrillator.
|To do the type of intense defibrillation necessary to restore his heart's function...
|'re gonna need to <span style="color:#00ffff">hold the button down</span> instead of tap it.
|The incoming beats will cue you on how long you'll need to hold.
|Let's give it a try.
::<small>''If first beat is completely missed''</small>:
|Not quite.
::<small>''If first beat is initially hit but held too short/too long''</small>:
|Make sure you time it right, and only hold for as long as the incoming beats did.
::<small>''If first beat is completely hit''</small>:
|Wow, that was perfect.
|You're getting it.
|There we go!
|Now, let's try doing a longer hold.
|Now the release cues will only start after you start holding.
|I'll demonstrate...
|There! Now, we'll keep holding...
|..and listen for the <span style="color:#00ffff">pop</span> sounds, and release on the fourth one.
|OK, your turn!
::<small>''If first successfully hit beat is held too short/too long''</small>:
|Ah! You almost had it.
::<small>''If first beat is completely hit''</small>:
|You're a quick learner!
|Now, finally let's go over a trickier type of hold.
|Be ready to release the button when it's time.
|It's a tricky concept, so it might take a few more tries to have the new method down.
|Even so, it's our best method available for helping that miner.
|He's completely unaware of how delicate his heart's condition is right this second!
|Y'know, you're pretty selfless for treating a complete stranger out there...
| remind me of Ada, haha.
|Anyway, that's all from me. Good luck!
|Oof...I can feel it, I think the tough part's coming.
|Do what you need to do. Let's finish this.
|-|After Clear=
|-|After Clear=
|Thanks for the save, bud.
|Are you okay? You looked like you were in pain.
|Yeah, I'm feeling a little better now.
|Where you headed, kid? You on a school trip?
|Oh, no. Not school. I'm visiting Goldenrock, the town where my grandma grew up.
|I have a delivery to make, and I'm taking photos.
|You should nab a shot of the view whipping by, I bet you don't get a landscape like this where you're from.
|Oh, you're right! Let me get my camera!
|Ahh, this is so cool! It beats being cooped up in that hospital bed.
|...hey, now it's getting all blurry.
|Looks like a dusty fog is rollin' in. We get that a lot. Might get a bit hard to see.
|...! Urgh...
|Are you okay?
|You! Doctor person!
|Can you help us? Please?
