Supraventricular Tachycardia: Difference between revisions

Added Tutorial dialogue to page
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(Added Tutorial dialogue to page)
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|H-hi again!
|There's something else you need to know about SVT heartbeats.
|First, let's recap how SVT beats work...
|(The nurse does a lot of work around here.)
<small>''If first beat is missed''</small>:
|Remember to follow the nurse's "Get" and "Set" rhythm.
<small>''If first beat is hit''</small>:
|Nice, got it in one go.
<small>''If any beat is missed''</small>:
|Now you should learn how to deal with attacks.
<small>''If all beats are hit''</small>:
|Wow! You did it perfectly? I bet you took music classes as a kid.
|Now, you should learn how to deal with attacks.
|When SVT patients have attacks, their heart rate <span style="color:#ff0000">doubles</span>.
|And when their heart settles, it <span style="color:#00ffff">halves</span>.
|The nurse will see changes coming.
|And she will warn you with a <span style="color:#ff0000">faster</span> cue or a <span style="color:#00ffff">slower</span> cue..
|Just follow the rhythm established by her "Get" and "Set" calls.
|Here we go!
<small>''If half the beats are missed'':</small>
|Caught you off guard, huh.
|Don't worry, let's try that again.
|Pay close attention to the nurse, but don't stop hitting the current rhythm until she finishes her cue with "Go"!
<small>''If the transition is hit'':</small>
|Nice, nailed the transition.
<small>''If half the beats are hit'':</small>
|Caught you a little bit off-guard, huh?
|Don't worry, let's try that again.
|Pay close attention to the nurse!
<small>''If all the beats are hit'':</small>
|One more set, for the patient's sake.
|Get ready, you can handle this.
<small>''If half the beats are missed'':</small>
|Oh dear...
|Feel free to come back and practice this again if you'd like.
<small>''If half the beats are hit'':</small>
|You've got it down.
<small>''If all the beats are hit'':</small>
|You've got it down. Honestly, that was perfect!
|That patient, Cole, keeps drinking coffee lately.
|Now he's experiencing caffeine-induced attacks.
|You just need to keep him stabilised.
|Good luck.
