Set Counting Sound

Set Counting Sound is an event in the Sounds Tab that enables, disables, and allows customization for counting sounds for rows.

Set Counting Sound
Screenshot of the Event Icon Set Counting Sound


Setting Type Description
Row Dropdown (Number) Row to affect.
Action Single Selection (Boolean) Disable or enable counting sounds.
Voice Dropdown (Enum) Voice to use.
Volume Slider and Text Box (Number) Volume of the voice.
Properties (Custom Voice)
Setting Type Description
Sound Dropdown (Enum) Sound to play for the beat number (1-7). Can be either an enum sound or a custom file.
Sound settings Popup Settings of the sound(s). Includes volume, pitch, pan, and offset.

Sound settings

Setting Type Description
Volume Slider with Text Box (Number) Volume of the sound. Ranges from 0% to 300%.
Pitch Slider with Text Box (Number) Pitch of the sound. Ranges from 0% to 300%.
Pan Slider with Text Box (Number) Panning of the sound. Ranges from -100% to 100%.


{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "SetCountingSound", "row": 0, "voiceSource": "JyiCount", "enabled": true, "volume": 100, "subdivOffset": 0.5 }

row (integer)
Row to affect. 0-indexed.

voiceSource (enum)
Source of voice. Nurse, Ian, Whistle, Birds... or Custom.

enabled (boolean)
Whether to enable or disable counting sounds.

volume (number)
Volume of the counting sounds. 0-200.

subdivOffset (number)
Offset of subdivision counting. Appears even if this is applied to a classic row.

{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "SetCountingSound", "row": 0, "voiceSource": "Custom", "sounds": [{"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount1"}, {"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount2"}, {"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount3"}, {"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount4"}, {"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount5"}, {"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount6"}, {"filename": "Jyi - ChineseCount7"}], "enabled": true, "volume": 100, "subdivOffset": 0.5 }

sounds (json[])
Only appears if voiceSource is Custom.

  • filename (string | enum)
    Filename of the sound. Must either be a local file and include file extension, or an enum sound.
  • volume (integer) (optional)
    Volume of the beat sound. Goes from 0 to 300.
  • pitch (integer) (optional)
    Pitch of the beat sound. Goes from 0 to 300.
  • pan (integer) (optional)
    Panning of the beat sound. Goes from -100 to 100.

