Mask Room

Mask Room is an event in the Rooms Tab that allows the application of a mask to a room.

Mask Room
Screenshot of the Event Icon Mask Room


Setting Type Description
Mask Type Single Selection Type of mask: Image, Room, Color, or None (removes a previously set mask).
Alpha Mode Single Selection (Boolean) Either Normal or Inverted (selects everything that "Normal" wouldn't).
Properties (Image Mask)
Setting Type Description
Image Text Box (String) Image to mask. Must be a directory somewhere in the level's folder.
Frames Per Second Text Box (Number) FPS, if multiple images are provided.
Properties (Room Mask)
Setting Type Description
Source Room Dropdown (Room) Room to mask from. Masks if a pixel in the room "exists" (isn't transparent).
Properties (Color Mask)
Setting Type Description
Key Color Color Color to key out.
Cutoff Text Box (Number) How close to the key color a pixel must be to be keyed in percentage.
Feathering Text Box (Number) How much nearby pixels to transparent ones fade out. As this value increases, pixels surrounding keyed-out ones become more transparent.


{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "MaskRoom", "maskType": "None" }

maskType (enum)
Type of mask. Can be: Image, Room, Color, or None.

alphaMode (enum)
Either Normal or Inverted.

{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "MaskRoom", "maskType": "Image", "image": [], "fps": 30, "alphaMode": "Normal" }

image (string[])
Required if maskType is Image. Path of image(s).

fps (number)
Required if maskType is Image and image length is greater than 1. FPS.

{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "MaskRoom", "maskType": "Room", "sourceRoom": 0, "alphaMode": "Normal" }

sourceRoom (number)
Required if maskType is Room. Source room index, 0-3.

{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "MaskRoom", "maskType": "Color", "keyColor": "FFFFFFFF", "colorCutoff": 0, "colorFeathering": 0, "alphaMode": "Normal" }

keyColor (string)
Required if maskType is Color. Color to key, must be a valid HEXALPHA code.

colorCutoff (number)
Required if maskType is Color. Cutoff from the key color.

colorFeathering (number)
Required if maskType is Color. Feathering of the key color.

