

The following achievements can be obtained in-game, as well as on Steam.

In-Game Achievements

Icon Title Description
Ranks Ranks determine how many beats a player missed during a respective level and range between S, A, B, C, D, and F, where S indicates zero misses, and F indicates a range of most misses.
Stars Highlighted Stars on the player's pager indicate whether a level has been successfully completed..
Scrolls Highlighted Scrolls on the player's pager indicate whether a level has been successfully completed with an S-Rank.

Steam Achievements

Icon Title Description How To Unlock
First Day On The Job Complete Act 1. Pass all Act 1 levels with a B-rank or higher, and complete the Boss Stage.
One Step At A Time Complete Act 2. Pass all Act 2 levels with a B-rank or higher, and complete the Boss Stage.
A Usual Day Around Here Complete Act 3. Pass all Act 3 levels with a B-rank or higher, and complete the Boss Stage.
Working Remotely Complete Act 4. Pass all Act 4 levels with a B-rank or higher.
The Coach of Middlesea Complete Act 5. Pass all Act 5 levels with a B-rank or higher, and complete the Boss Stage.
Welcome To The Team Save the Insomniac patient and watch the game's credits. Pass levels 1-X and 1-XN, and watch or play through the game's credits.
The Donut Trilogy Complete the Muse Dash Collaboration. Pass levels MD-1, MD-2, and MD-3 with a B-Rank or higher.
First Date Earn an S-Rank on Level 1-2. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 1-2.
Insomnia Cure Earn an S-Rank on Level 1-X. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 1-X.
Maybe Try Decaf? Earn an S-Rank on Level 2-2. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 2-2.
Rush Hour Earn an S-Rank on Level 2-3. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 2-3.
No Items, Final Destination Earn an S-Rank on Level 2-3N. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 2-3N.
Greenhouse Earn an S-Rank on Level 3-1. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 3-1.
Sing From The Heart Earn an S-Rank on Level 2-X. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 2-X.
Overworked, Underpaid Earn an S-Rank on Level 3-X. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 3-X.
Conductor Earn an S-Rank on Level 4-1. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 4-1.
Beats To Travel To Earn an S-Rank on Level 4-1N. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 4-1N.
Wow! Earn an S-Rank on Level 5-1 in 2-Player Mode. Switch to 2-Player Mode on the pager when previewing Level 5-1 and earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats.
One Slip, Too Late, S+, For Me Earn an S-Rank on Level 5-1N. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 5-1N.
Feel The Burn Earn an A-Rank on Level 5-2N. Earn an A-Rank or better by missing ten beats or less during Level 5-2N.
Eavesdropping Hear all the dialogue in Level 5-3. Keep playing Level 5-3 long enough to hear every conversation between characters.
Focused Earn an S-Rank on Level 1-XN. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during Level 1-XN.
Nimble Earn an S-Rank in Beans Hopper. Earn an S-Rank by jumping over the box of beans 60 times or more during Level 2-B1.
Hey, I Wasn't Ready Yet! Receive a Score of 0 in Beans Hopper. Let the box of beans hit Samurai without jumping during Level 2-B1.
World Champion Complete Level 12 of Rhythm Weightlifter. Play through all 12 levels of the Rhythm Weightlifter minigame (Level 5-B1) and get a high enough score on each of them to pass.
Two-Handed Complete any level in 2-Player Mode. Switch to 2-Player Mode on the pager when previewing a level, and complete the level in 2-Player mode.
Whole-Hearted Performance Earn an S-Rank. Earn an S-Rank by missing zero beats during any level.
Woof Enter the "Rhythm Dogtor" code. Type the arrow sequence displayed on the wall of Dr Paige's office in the Level Select menu.
I'm Dizzy Give Dr Edega a headache in the Level Select menu. Hold the right or left arrow key on your keyboard in the Level Select menu until Dr Edega tells you to stop.
Worth A Shot Get scolded by Dr Edega in the Level Select menu. Repeatedly try to enter a locked level in the Level Select menu until Dr Edega tells you to stop.