Set Play Style
Set Play Style is an event in the Actions Tab (also referred to as the VFX Tab) that can affect how a bar functions.
Set Play Style | |
Tab | VFX |
Type | SetPlayStyle |
Origin | rVersion |
Shortcut | 9 |
Setting | Type | Description |
Play style | Dropdown | Action to execute. Values are Normal, Loop, Prolong, Immediately, Extra Immediately, and Prolong One Bar. |
Next bar | Text Box (Number) | Next bar after the current one finishes. |
Relative | Checkbox | Whether the next bar is absolute (true number) or relative to the current bar's number. |
Normal makes the bar function as normal. You can skip to any bar this way, though, as the Next Bar text box stays.
Loop is the only option to remove the Next Bar text box. It will loop the current bar infinitely unless it's overwritten by a Custom Method or other Set Play Style event.
Prolong will not run OnPreBar for the next bar, and will stop the playback header at the end of the bar. The current bar will extend infinitely unless some action overwrites this play style.
Immediately will skip to a chosen bar when the event is run, though not fully immediate as it accomodates for BPM. Extra Immediately does not accomodate for BPM which can cause syncing issues, but is truly immediate.
It's recommended to not interact, loop, or skip to Bar 1, as this can cause issues due to how the game loads levels in the first place.
{ "bar": X, "beat": X, "y": X, "type": "SetPlayStyle", "PlayStyle": "Normal", "NextBar": 1, "Relative": true },
PlayStyle (enum)
Values: Normal, Loop, Prolong, Immediately, ExtraImmediately, ProlongOneBar. Deprecated: LoopBeatsOnly, it would loop the bar but only the beats on subsequent loops, and not VFX.
NextBar (number)
Next bar to go to when the current bar is done.
Relative (bool)
Whether NextBar is relative to the current bar's number (additive) or not (absolute).