Free Time Beats

Revision as of 20:59, 12 December 2022 by (talk)

which absolute wordsmith among you thought calling evry singl thing in this game a gimmick wsa a good idea?? whytf is litwrally everything ever a gimmick? its like eveyr insgle person in the rhythm doctor community si seeing the game for the first time where they still dont know how to count to 4 yet so they see you count to seven and theyr like "woahh???? tmthis so epic? this is square v2 400 iq moment? discrod nitro reddit gold?? diagnosis skill issue bad x row coping mechanism ?" coping mechanism harder my firend. haha i put free time beats in my level. im so quirky. im so gimmicky and my level is as gimmicky as me. look guy??s? i put oneshots?damn, that makes a sound must be one fo your gimmicks again!! what a fun gummick! u know carl and his gimmicks!! so gimmicky!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u peer reveiw my level? its samurai techno . the gimmick is its samurai techno. hey i made a gemetry dash level!! wanna play it?? well watch out there s' a gimmick in it u have to kjump to the beat. i like puting gimmicks in my geometry dash evlels because they make it unique. i love yoyu. my dog died yesterday and i had to shoot her, mega gimmicky!!!! wtf/.

most nromal rhtyhm doctor terminology