Seventh-Inning Stretch: Difference between revisions

finished dialouge
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(finished dialouge)
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|I wasn't expecting everyone here to be so...chatty.
|Why not?
|I don't know. Every hospital visit I've ever had was all business.
|Get in, get out. No small-talk, no life story.
|Aren't we here to get patched up so we get back out to work?
|Anyway. I know you're tryin' to help, but...I still don't really feel anything.
|Exactly! It doesn't hurt, right?
|Then you're doin' swell!
|Alright. I did your workout. Now what?
|Now we rest up for a second...then we do it again!
|Yep. The point isn't for it to be's for you to do over and over. Like a routine.
|And then...I'll be back to peak performance?
|I can't promise that. But if you keep at'll get your movement back eventually.
|Let's do another set.
|This will be our cooldown, so let's do them slower.
|Hold the stretch for three beats for each rep, instead of one.
|[placeholder for misses and whatnot]
|Great job!
|Let's end strong! 20 reps, and then we're done.
<small>''[After 5 reps]''</small>
|Knock, knock! Good morning, Mr Stevenson!
|We have a special guest for you today...
|Your wife is here! She's going to be moved to this room.
|[Mrs. Stevenson]
|Sweetie! Ohhh, look at you, your leg...
|Stacy! There you are!
|[Mrs. Stevenson]
|You had me worried sick, you know.
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">(The reunion! It's finally happening!)</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">(Oh my god, Ian, look...she's holding his hannd so gently. Now his lip is starting to quiver...)</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">(H-he's gonna cry...I can't handle it...)</span>
|Everyone, come in here!
|Aw, now that's a precious sight. You lovebirds are back together!
|Ohmygoshhh, you two are so cute!
|Woah, the birds are flying in on their own!
|I'm sorry for worrying you. Could you find it in your heart to forgive a clumsy old oaf like me?
|[Mrs. Stevenson]
|In a heartbeat.
|Someone go get the Intern! Where are they?
|I think they're doing some other thing, with that baseball guy.
|Really? They're missing out- oh my gosh, he's showing her the photo he kept by the bed!
|Ian's crying! Ian's actually crying for real!
<small>''[End of session]''</small>
|Phew! Good workout.
|I think we'll stop for the day.
|Are you sure? That was...short.
|No need to push ourselves! One day at a time.
|Great work today!
|-|After Clear=
|-|After Clear=
