Seventh-Inning Stretch: Difference between revisions

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(Adding dialouge)
(Adding dialouge)
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|I should've listened. And after getting a lil' spooked on that train ride, I figured I could at least give this hospital a vist.
|I should've listened. And after getting a lil' spooked on that train ride, I figured I could at least give this hospital a visit.
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<small>''[Phase 2]''</small>
<small>''[Phase 2]''</small>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">"One of the biggest names on the team"...</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">...if that's so true, how come nobody's reached out?</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">No phone call from Coach, no visits from my teammates, no flowers or "get well soon" card...</span>
|<span style="color:#c0c0c0">All I got was a couple of pieces of fanmail. At least someone remembers me...</span>
|What's the point of all this again?
|It's just a little test. And yup, looks like that shoulder got real weak.
|If it's so weak, why don't I just work out? Pump it back into shape.
|Ha! If you try to lift weights, your body'll topple like a stack of twigs.
|You need some gentle tension...
|Oh! Hold on a tick...
|I've got some bungee cord in my bag!
|This'll be perfect. Now, grab the cord.
|Slowly pull it inward, without turning your body.
|[placeholder for misses and whatnot]
|That's the exercise!
|Easy, right? Just feel the rhythm, and let your mind wander.
|20 more reps, now.
<small>''[After 5 reps]''</small>