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Battleworn Insomniac is the first boss level in the game. It introduces the [[Insomniac]] and [[Connectifia Abortus]].
Battleworn Insomniac is the first boss level in the game. It introduces the [[Insomniac]] and [[Connectifia Abortus]].
== Synopsis ==
In a cutscene after [[Intimate]], Paige and Ian explain the [[Rhythm Doctor Program]] to the player, but are first interrupted by a cocksure [[Dr Edega]], and then
by an emergency patient: the Insomniac. The patient treats the Insomniac despite glitches and disruptions caused by the Connectifia Abortus virus. After a successful
treatment, the player moves on to the next ward.
== Transcript ==
|So. We haven't explained the whole "musical doctoring" process yet.
|We kinda pulled you straight into the deep end. Sorry about that.
|Thankfully, you’re a quick learner.
|Ian, do you think you could explain the program? It's more...your thing.
|R-right! The Rhythm Doctor program is a new, experimental healthcare initiative.
|It's a music-based cardiological treatment.
|By listening to the patient's heartbeat and synchronising with it, we can calm the irregularities.
|It's quick, and can save a lot of lives.
|Plus: interns can perform the treatment remotely, there's shorter waiting times, and less work piled on the staff.
|It's a win-win situation.
|That's the idea, at least. As long as all goes well, we can-
<small>''[Dr Edega enters]''</small>
|Ian, did you finish setting up that remote connection?
|Y-yes, sir, as you can see, our new intern is here and-
|Very good.
|But let's not be overconfident. There's still a lot that both of you should be getting to.
|The shift has only just started. Ensure that every patient is personally seen to.
|I imagine I'm not interrupting some sort of "break."
|Not at all, we were just-
|Submit a report about the program by the end of the day.
|Don't mind him, that’s our...well, don't worry about it.
|We should show you around so you can meet the rest of the patients.
|You should be able to shift your video display around the hospital, to...
|H-hold on. Something's happening.
|One of our patients needs help, immediately. That can't be good.
<small>''[1-X unlocks]''</small>
|You're up, intern.
|Remember, just stay calm and keep counting to seven.
|No matter what happens!
<small>''[Interlude 1]''</small>
|It looks like something's messing with your connection.
|Could it be...
<small>''[Interlude 2]''</small>
|Yup. It was the infection.
|Classic case of the wifi-signal-jamming virus.
|Connectifia abortus.
|It's about to come back now, and stronger.
|The most important thing is: (cuts off)
